Part 2
Author: Arcayne1


Several cups of tea later, the three men were still talking. Kermit had, to give him credit, offered to leave, but Peter had shaken his head. "I know you've been in situations like this, Kermit, maybe you can tell me what I'm doing wrong."

"The women I worked with, I didnt love, kid. They were smart, and sexy, and as deadly as coral snakes, and I had no doubt that they could take care of themselves. And, most of them, I wouldnt have risked my life for..just bedding down with one for the night was risk enough." Kermit sat quietly a minute, remembering that life, touching the mercenary twin that still slept in his darkest memories.

"But what about now?" Peter persisted, "I mean, you're involved now, and she gets herself into some pretty hairy situations."

"Yeah, she does, it's part of her job. If I could, I'd make her wear a transmitter 24 hours so that I'd know she was safe, and if she needed me." Kermit thought about Jewel a moment."But I cant, Peter. She'd never accept it, and in a funny way, that makes me care for her even more. Because she's so damned independant. In that, she and Jordan are alike.Jordy has that same joie de vivre that Jewel does, I can see the same excitement in their eyes when they head out on a case."

"You are afraid of losing her to violence, my son, but your fear is driving her away even more quickly. Can you not permit her the same freedoms you take for granted?"

"You dont understand, Pop, Kira's tough but she's reckless, she'll get herself killed and ..."

"Who is reckless, Peter?"

"Well, I know I am, but Jordan is a close second.."

"You said that Kira was reckless."

"Kira? Pop, Kira is dead, a long time now. Why would I bring up her name?"

"Why indeed, my son.." and Caine sipped his tea.

On a hunch, Jordan had skipped photography club and headed to the dean's office after school that day. She loitered in the library entrance, where a glass wall gave her a perfect view of Taylor walking into Mrs. Kowalsky's office...and walking out again in ten minutes not visibly worse for wear. Her free floating theory stymied, Jordan shoved THE CASEBOOK OF SHELOCK HOLMES back onto the display case and hurried out, catching up with Taylor on the steps outside the school entrance.

"Taylor!! Did you get "on town" privs? We could go malling, or maybe on a dim sum rage in Chinatown.." and Jordan bit her tongue, mentally cursing herself out. Not Chinatown, she prayed silently, not somewhere where my cover is sure to be blown, because of my big mouth..but

"No, thanks Jordan, but my father is picking me up. He and Mother flew in from DC for her birthday and I'm spending the night with them."

"Oh, how cool" Jordan started, then choked as a familiar, unmistakeable green sportscar pulled up to the school at their feett. The driver leaned over and waved, rolling down the window, and, furious but hiding it, she decided ignoring him was not the way to go. Kermit got the window down, just in time to hear the horrifying words, "Dad?? What are you doing here?"

Dad?? He couldnt possible be old enough... but the other girl was going along with not a trace of curiosity, so he forced out a cheerful "Came to offer you a ride, princess."

"But, I brought my car today, dont you remember?" Jordan said, between clenched teeth and he held out a bright Trapper Keeper folder stuffed with computer printout.

"Oh, that's right. Anyway, you left these home, and I know you have that big science paper due.."

"Yeah, Monday..but that was sweet of you, Dad. Thanks for bringing it. This is my friend, Taylor."

Kermit shook the pale girl's hand and grinned up at his "daughter". "At least your friends have manners, Muffin. Your little boyfriend has been calling non stop this afternoon, did the two of you have a tiff? Something you want to talk over with your old man?"

Now Jordan grimaced, but she couldnt tell Kermit to go to hell with Taylor standing right there, could she? So she rolled her eyes and drawled, "Sure, Daddy, as if!" in her best Clueless accent. But Kermit was riveted by a slender Asian woman, in a green silk dress, with her glossy back hair pulled high in a French twist. It was Maia, as he well knew.

"Muffin, who is that lovely lady, pray tell?"

"Oh, gross, Pop, it's my French teacher Ms. Rochelle, and she's not interested."

"Au contraire, ma petite, a little dancing, a nice glass of Bordeaux,, if you will excuse me, ladies..princess, I'll see you at home," and running a hand through his hair, he edged the Corvair forward and was gone.

Jordan apologized to Taylor, who had a small smile on her face. "Ever since he and Mom split up, he's been impossible..You are so lucky your folks are still together."

"I guess so, when they're getting along okay."

"Taylor, I need to ask.." but a silver Mercedes pulled up and Taylor's face lit up as she hurled herself into it, hugging the driver fiercely. "DaddY!!" then "Jordie, I'll see you tommorow!!"

Jordan waved at the car as it vanished and then looked over to where Kermit had accosted Maia. Both cars were gone, and Jordan sighed.. "Divorced dad on the make was a nice touch, I have to admit it," she told herself, "But he just HAD to bring up Peter. Why do men have to stick up for each other like that?" Jordan took a look at the sheaf of papers she held, a set of confidential background checks on the school staff and the arrest record of David Talbot.

Shelby and Maia had insisted that Jordan not go to a hotel. "It's more convenient for both of you" Shelby pointed out, her wide green eyes honest and kind, "and you know that we love having you, Jordan. And, we're your friends, if you cant come to us when having boyfriend problems, who can you come to?? The guest room has it's own bath, and we dont need to use it as an office while you stay here. Okay?"

Jordan hugged her, touched by the other woman's genuine caring. She and Maia had a long understanding, but they didnt say things like that to each other. "I hope Maia realizes how lucky she is to have you." and Shelby laughed.

"I remind her all the time!" then , "I have a performance tonight, so you guys will have the house to yourselves. Try not to get all macho and shoot the place up. I hear you vice cops are like that." and Jordan swatted at her as she left the room, still laughing.

Maia was out on her run, so Jordan got busy, ordering a large pizza with three cheeses and extra pepperoni, then sitting down to reread David Talbot's arrest records. She couldn't believe it. Five years before, at a private school in Massachusetts, arrested for the statuory rape of a fifteen year old girl. Charges had been dropped when the girl refused to testify, notes made in the file that despite the mother's insistance, there wasnt enough to convict without the girl's story, and she wanted to protect her "boyfriend". There was a suspicion that he had threatened her somehow, and despite their promises, she didnt believe she would be safe. Shy, camera-tech David Talbot who stammered when a beautiful woman smiled at him. An act? Must be. She'd talk to the captain, get things in motion for a warrent. Where was Maia? And where was their pizza? Tommorow was going to be a long day. And, briefly, she thought of Taylor, out somewhere celebrating her mother's birthday, hiding a terrible secret. "Poor kid, when this is over, I hope we can get her some help."

The next day she was nervous, but in a good mood, Simms was going to get the warrant they needed for an arrest and complete search of Talbot's property. She had had a fine time teasing Maia about her "dad", while Shelby pretended to be jealous, and Maia practiced her "I'm not telling" superior look. Finally she relented and told them that Kermit had figured it was a graceful way to check for any other info they needed and dismiss himself from the scene. Maia had called him and asked for the background checks, she had benefited from the precinct's resident compuwizard's magic before and wasnt shy about requesting more.

So Jordan went bebopping into school, skipping her usual detour for a smoke in the first floor lav and went straight to homeroom. She winked at the cute basketball player in the back row and took her seat, opening her notebook and doodling during announcements, mouthing the Pledge. Then the dean's somber voice came over the loudspeaker instead of the National Anthem. "Young ladies, this is Mrs. Kowalsky. It is my sad duty to inform you that late last night, Taylor Maxwell was found dead here, in her room. The doctors believe that her death was self induced. There is no further information at this time. The guidance department and the chapel will be open at all hours today, and I will be here for you as well. I urge you to talk to each other and to your teachers. We care about you, young ladies, and we are here to help you. That will be all."

While the teacher and students alike sat frozen in shock, Jordan felt a surge of angry heat race through her. She snatched the second cosmetic case out of her knapsack and jumped to her feet, heading for the door before the homeroom teacher could react. Going through the door, she was pulling out her shield, her gun was in her fist as she pelted down the hall, and slammed open David Talbot's office door with her foot.

"Miss MacIntyre, what in the..?"

"Stow it, asshole. You are under arrest for the murder of Taylor Maxwell. You have.."

He rose to his feet, face angry, "Now, I realize that you students are upset but I demand that you.." He stopped as blue steel caressed his jawline and a gold badge in a black leather case shone opposite an ID in the name of Jordan MacGuire."

"Shut up! Dont give me an excuse to kill you, you filthy scum. She threaten to expose you?? How did you get her back here to the...." She stopped, took a deep breath, and slammed him face first into the wall, whipping out her cuffs and reciting, in a monotone, "You have the right to remain silent, if you give up this right.."

THe dean stood there, her face shocked. "Detective, you dont think that Mr. Talbot is responsible for any of this? Taylor took an overdose, she committed suicide."

"He's better than a pro with cameras, he had access to each of the girls because of their academic standing, and he has a history of sexual misconduct with young women. That's all I need. Now, move it!" SHe called for a black and white to pick up her prisoner.

Maia watched from her classroom, staying out of the fray, staying in cover..just in case.

Jordan's voice was getting hoarse and her nerves were frayed. She'd discarded the schoolgirl sweater an hour before and now perched on the edge of the metal table,staring down at David Talbot. The man was guzzling the coffee she had finally brought him, but he continued to deny any involvement in Taylor's death.

Suddenly, she decided on a different tactic. She rose, crossed the room, pulled a manila folder out of her briefcase (rescued from the desk on her way in) and slapped it down in from of him. "Take a good look, Talbot." she growled and, hesitantly, he reached for it.

David Talbot flipped open the cover and slick photos slid out at him. Girls, his girls his students in lingerie, in bed, in handcuffs, in pain! Gagging, he shoved it from him violently, photos spilling out everywhere. Jordan watched him recover himself impassively, he looked up into her stone gaze and froze. "You think I did this? You really think that I would take those horrible pictures, hurt my students, KILL one of them?" He laughed, a half crazed, bitter sound. "I wouldnt hurt one of those girls for the world, they trust me. They" his voice got shy, "They LIKE me, Detective. They try hard, in my classes."

"What about Amy Cabot, David? You hurt her."

His eyes were filled with pain when he answered. "I loved Amy, I would never have hurt her. We..we loved each other. I know she was young, but that was only age, inside, she hadnt been a child for a long time. She'd been hurt so badly in her life, I would never have caused her a seconds worth of pain. It was that mother of hers, trying to hurt her, couldnt stand to see her happy with me.."

Jordan felt her skin crawl as she listened to his rationalization of his affair with fifteen year old Amy Cabot. Though it made her sick, she could see that HE believed every word.. and, reluctantly, she had to admit that she believed what he had said about Taylor's death. She'd flown off the handle, and if the Captain only cut her down to size, she's be the luckiest vice cop in the force. If not, if Talbot decided to sue.. It was up to the DA now. ..She interuppted the litany of Amy's praises and escorted the teacher back to holding so he could arrange for bail. Alone at her desk, in the near empty squad room, she slumped, hands over her face. Then her intercom buzzed. "Det. MacGuire, please report to my office, at once." It was Simms.

"You might be interested to know that the DA has declined to bring charges against David Talbot to the grand jury. His release is being processed as we speak." Karen Simms' voice was calm and informative, friendly even, and the sound of it had Jordan slouching deep into her chair. "He has informed me that Mr. Talbot will not be suing the city for false arrest, he feels and I quote "that detective is just looking out for my girls, and I cant blame her for being upset about Taylor."

Jordan groaned audibly, and hung her head. She did not want to see the captain's face. "Of course, you are off this case, Detective MacGuire."

That got her attention. "Captain! This is our case! We have got to nail this person, those girls are in trouble. I swear..""

But the captain held up a hand to interrupt. "This is not a punishment, Jordan. You've blown your cover, and cant be effective at the school any longer. I am not taking disciplinary action about this arrest, I trust my officers more than that. Maia will remain until the new pair is acclimated to the school and case, and then she will bow out and the two of you will be reassigned."

"Captain Simms, please. I know we can nail this guy, but it will take US to do it,. we already know so much about the case. Maia and I have to get him now, before he disappears underground. We've got a murdered girl, Captain. I know she was murdered. Please, give me twenty four hours." But the captain was shaking her head, "Twelve then. Dammit, I cant do nothing!"

"Detective MacGuire, you are on a leave of abscence from this precinct starting now. I dont want to see your face for forty eight hours! Is that clear?" Karen's voice was cut glass and Jordan visibly bit back a scathing retort.

"As crystal, Captain." and she turned to leave.

"Oh, and Jordan? I dont want to hear anything, understand. If I do, I'll have to take action."

Enthusiasm dawned new in Jordan's voice. "Yes, ma'am!" she snapped, and bolted from the squad room.

The elegant Captain Simms shook her head ruefully. "Why did that conversation seem so familiar? At least she has the control not to fling her gun and badge at me when thwarted." and, in the privacy of her office, Karen laughed.

Jordan waited patiently for Maia, sipping on the tea she had brought along in a thermos cup for lack of anything else to do. Talking.. she glanced at her companion. She was about talked out..a little tired from high emotion. But she could feel her adrenaline kicking in and her sense of justice was raging. She grinned over at the man in the driver's seat, and Peter grinned back.

She had gone back to the apartment for some clothes, though she wondered later if that was the real reason or not. While she was there, the door had opened and Peter had walked in, right into the muzzle of her gun....

"Whoa!! Jordy, its me!"

"So I see!. Damn it, Peter, you scared me half to death! What are you doing home at this time of the afternoon?"

"I heard what happened today. I know you're going to go after this scum, and I wanted to offer my help. Not" he said quickly" not because you cant handle it. I know you can. I;ve known it right along, Jordan. I;ve seen you in action and you get this high, going into a fight, you're supercharged. Like me. Except you call for back up when you need it, you dont pull my hotshot cop stunts. So, I can understand why you got pissed when I kept interfering."

She stared at him, too wiped to walk out, too surprised to feign non interest, or make him suffer, and too honest not to be moved. "What brought this change of heart, Pete? I mean, one day you're trying to get me assigned to desk duty and the next you're complimenting me on my style. Lover, my style is a lot like yours."

He nodded eagerly. At least she was listening! "I know, I know it is, and I know that it would drive me crazy if you, or Kermit, or my dad followed me around, and I know I dont have my father's knack of knowing just when to be there. So, I need to ask you if I want to help. I've spent the last couple of days at my father's place, talking with him. " He glanced away for a brief second, then resolutely met her eyes. "He asked me about fear, my fears, driving you away, and I told him that Kira was tough, but reckless. I didnt know I'd said it until he caught me on it..."

"Kira, your old partner. The one who.."

"She was killed by the Shadow Assasain.. I was there, Jordy, I left her, and she died. But we were talking about you, and me and there she was again. These last couple of days, I realized that I sort of put all that away, I couldnt think about it then, and when Jody came aboard, it just stirred things up, so I shoved them deeper and.." his eyes were suspiciously bright, the warm amber lights drowning in unshed tears. "Pop and I spent a lot of time remembering and talking. I dont want to lose you, Jordan. I love you. I'm going to worry about you in the field, but I dont want that fear to control me, or our relationship. Will you give me another shot?"

"You're not going to interfere with my casework? Or show up uninvited? Or try to persuade me to get a male partner?" Her tone was sharp, but he could see a smile in her eyes.

"I wont interfere, I will try to never show up without an invitation, although I'm learning more about this showing up when you're needed most stuff. I cant promise not to use that in the future. And I'd like to be the only male partner in your life, your private life, anyway."

"Lover, if your timing gets as impeccable as Caine's, I'll accept the proviso. Wanna shake on it?" Jordan held out a delicate hand, struggling to keep from smiling and Peter shook it solemnly, then grabbed her into a bear hug.

"You'll come back, then , right?"

"As my dear old dad would say" Jordan laughed, "Oh yeah. Now come on, partner, we've got forty eight hours and Maia is meeting us in one of them at the school. You want to drive, since they wont know the Stealth?"

"You got it, partner." and he followed her out the door....

Now, she looked over at him, drank her tea, and admired the moonlight silvering his hair. It was good, it felt right this time, to have him on her team.

Maia, being possessed of a great deal of natural tact, greeted Peter with a raised eyebrow and a smile. "All right?" she asked Jordan and the blonde detective nodded.

"Pete's our back-up, a volunteer, because this manuver is not condoned by our beloved precinct."

" Ahh.. then let me fill you in, esteemed teammate. When we began investigating here, one theory was that the perp was bringing the girls to his on campus residence. Seemed reasonable, many boarding schools have live in teaching staff. This one doesnt, in fact, the dean herself told us that no one loved on campus but the girls and their housemothers. While getting a warrant for Talbot, we did a little extra checking, and turns out the dean herself lives here on campus."

"Honest mistake, right?" Jordan chimed in, "She's the bosslady, its taken for granted that she lives here. But then, the question becomes why does a single woman need a house, an office, AND a little former poolhouse that is officially unsafe for students, but frequently visited by our dean. Why?? Why is a very good question."

"So she's got a private studio set up here on campus and if anyone sniffs her way" Peter thought out loud and Jordan leaned in, nose to nose with him, matching grins of triumph on their faces.

"She throws them Talbot, with his record, who's going to believe a child molester? Especially one who's teetering that close to the edge."

Onyx eyes gleamed in savage glee as Maia asked," Nutcase, huh? Too bad. Let's go."

They had decided on the approach direct, but were still surprised when the dean herself answered the door. The woman was picture perfect in Chanel black and pearls, hair still in its school chignon, and she smiled at them. "Detectives Reynard and MacGuire. How pleasant to see you again, and this gentleman would be?"

Peter flashed his shield. "Detective Peter Caine, 101st."

"A pleasure, sir. Tell me, how is our dear David? His arrest horrified me."

"Singing like a bird, Dean Kowalski. He's got some interesting stories to tell about what goes on here after hours." Jordan watched the older woman's face closely, but her smile never faltered.

"I thought that he might. Well, I suppose that you have come to arrest me. I shant offer any resistance, I'm a old woman and I dont relish an undignified struggle." She waved them into her house, and slowly plucked a brass ring with two keys from her pocket. "To my poolhouse. Perhaps you would like to investigate it as well?" She handed the keys to Maia, who glanced at her team, then gave them to Peter.

"Will you do the honours, Detective Caine?"

"Certainly, Detective Reynard." He took the keys and left the house.

"While he is inspecting my private sanctuary, I would like to confess" the dean spoke up. "In the parlour. This will probably be the last time I sit in my own home and drink my own coffee for quite some time."

The detectives exchanced glances and Maia nodded. "We'll tape it, ma'am, along with your waiver of Miranda rights. You have the right to remain silent, if you choose to give up this right.."

They set up the recorder in the elegant parlor where the older woman poured steaming coffee from a silver pot into an exquisitely thin bone china cup. The aroma was enticing, and she offered each of them a cup as well, which they declined. "Swiss Vanilla Almond, my own blend."

She let it sit to cool while she began, "And now, my horrid crimes. This is a very old school, with traditions that go back a long time. We get the best of girls, from fine families. They have everything, every advantage, and they take it for granted. However, quality costs, and tuition, though high, doesnt quite cover it. And, we waste a lot of time and energy on girls who are here because their parents force them to come. I've had to find other resources, and these girls provided it."

"Resources?" Jordan asked.

"Money, Ms. MacGuire. These lazy, spoiled girls who dont bother to study, who fool around and spend all their time on their looks, well, I found a way to use their natural talents. Their contribution to the school, as it were, in return for passing grades and glowing recommendations to their Ivy League dream."

"And these girls just agreed to this? It was perhaps their idea?" Maia's voice was neutral but her eyes were angry with a pain learned too young. Jordan tapped her foot against her partner's boot under the table, an "I'm with ya babe" they often used.

"Oh, they caught on, but most of the time I had them join me here for tea, drugged their soft drinks and had the photographer take a few carefully staged photographs." Kowalsky replied airily, as if discussing prom decorating plans. "Then, they posed without drugs, to prevent their aristocratic parents from seeing the pictures. A highly benefical cycle that brought money to the school, got the girls their grade and their colleges, and supplied discriminating customers with some very naughty, very pricey collector's items."

"What about Taylor?" Jordan delivered in a clipped tone.

The dean sipped her coffee, shaking her head. "Dear Taylor. I truly regretted her death, Detective. You find that hard to believe? I depise the lack of ambition that many of our girls display, but they are lovely, healthy young women, the future of our nation. But Taylor, she wouldnt cooperate. I knew she wouldnt tell her parents..but she might have told you, Miss MacGuire, and that I could not have. I...persuaded her to take her parents' car and return here, for one last photo shoot. I told her that this would be the payoff, that it would free her from further obligation. Perhaps she knew, she took the tea so willingly from my hand, with almost adult sorrow and knowing in her eyes." The woman drank deeply from her cup, draining it, then dabbing lightly at her mouth. "And now, it's over."

"I've heard enough. If you'll come this way, ma'am, we'll call for a patrol vehicle." Maia was polite but firm, and surprised when her prisoner laughed.

"Oh, I wont be going to jail, Detective. A woman of my breeding, my stature?" She lifted her cup. "My own brew, the Swiss Vanilla, and bitter almond."

Jordan understood first. "Cyanide.. Maia, call 911!" She moved toward the dean who pulled a very small, very lethal gun from the cushions of the couch.

"I think that you have done enough damage, Detective." Kowalski hissed. "You, with your schoolgirl looks, and schoolgirl tricks, I wanted to hurt them, and I want to hurt you. I'm a dying woman, Jordan, and now so are you!"

Maia was drawing her gun, the window behind the sofa crashed and Peter came flying in, tackling the crazed woman and sending her weapon flying. Maia covered her while he cuffed her and Jordan led her to the porch to wait for the ambulance. She was still alive, her eyes filled with anger and horror as they strapped her to a gurney and began emergency poison treatment. "Bye, Dean Kowalski. Have a nice, long life." Jordan said, as they loaded her into the vehicle.

Peter was still in the house, coming out the door when she turned to find him. He looked his question, she shook her head in amazement, and tackled him with a bear hug. "Lover, now THAT is what I call timing!"

"So, Captain Simms agreed, officially, that since Maia was still on the case, she had the right to call in for back up and we just happened to be closest. A cop, on leave or not, who covers for a partner in trouble, can hardly be faulted. Privately, she reamed us both for not bringing her here right away, and for being dumb enough not to check the couch for weapons. So, it worked out, the DA agreed to prosecute, and she thinks it's a pretty strong case." Jordan drank thirstily from her glass of Chablis, and eyeing the swordfish their waiter was setting down with enthusiasm.

"I'm glad it worked out," Peter told her, and she could see that he meant it. "You and Maia had it all figured out. You guys are one hell of a team."

"Thanks, I'll tell her you said so. You made a pretty good team member yourself, Pete."

"I saw her threatening you with the gun, I had to act. Jordy.."

"You did the right thing, lover. None of us can do this job alone. I'm lucky to have a partner, and a love, I can count on." She held his hand, smiling her impish smile, "This doesn't mean you can bust up my stakeouts from now on."

"Damn! Because, I've got this new vinyl mini skirt and tube top that I thought would look good out on Seventh Ave.." Peter grinned. "But far be it from me to butt in where I'm not wanted."

She raised her glass, and he matched her. "To Chinatown's finest." she proposed, and he touched her glass with his.

"To us." he answered softly.



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