Author and Copyright: Arcayne1



"Hey, it's me. And I know that you aren't home, and that you won't be home for a couple more days. It's been over a week, and I'm working too hard, drinking too much wine after dinner, and wearing one of your shirts to bed every night. I don't get a lot of sleep when you're away, and I never used to be like that. Do you know how important you've become to me?


If I were smart, I'd end this thing here and now, but I've never been smart when it came to the opposite sex. It scares me, how in love with you I am. I can imagine spending the rest of my life with you, making promises of forever, and I never wanted that with anyone else. And this, knowing that you're not the marrying kind.

Sometimes, I'm afraid that you will never come back, from a day at work, or from one of your trips. I've never told you that, of course, because I'm not one of those clingy, weepy women who worry about their menfolk. If I clung to you, even a little, would you walk away from me? I'll never risk that. But I'm afraid just the same.

All these feelings I'm afraid to share with you, my love. Are they normal, part and parcel of our relationship, of any relationship? I may never know. In the meantime, I love you, I miss you, I want you, and careful. Come home to me."


Beep.......Beep.........beep.......hit one to review message, hit two to Erase message, hit three to rerecord message

Jewel hit two, as she always did, hung up the phone, and cried herself to sleep.


next Story: Family


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