Author: Fu-Dragon


"Pop… Pop…. where are you?"
"I am here my son."
Peter rumbled upstairs and stopped dead in his tracks as he entered Caine's appartement.

"P….p… pop, what is that?"
Caine raised an eyebrow. "Do not call me pop, son!"
"Y…yes…father….b….but what is that?"

"Why? You have never seen a computer before?"
"Y… yes I did. But YOU in front of a computer?"
"Why not? It is a present from Kermit. He visited me yesterday and installed the computer for me. Look, I even have internet."

Peter felt heat radiating through his body. His father, having a computer????
Not in thousand years he had expected to see his father in front of a computer and he seemed to be quite excited about it.
All he could do was stutter like a parrot. "I…i…internet?"

"Yes my son. Kermit calls it … ah.. surfing? It is a place where people meet and…."
Peter interrupted his father.
"Yeah I know what internet is, but it doesn´t explain what you are doing here!"
"What do you think Peter? I am … ah ..surfing at the world wide web!"

A wave of dizziness floated through Peter´s body. He sank on a chair. He couldn´t believe what he saw.
Caine felt the urge to explain. Sometimes his son was slow on the uptake.
"It is about time to go with the time Peter. Even for me time does not stop."
"Yeah father… but…. uhm… never mind."

Finally Peter gave up to what he saw. He chided himself *get a grip Peter* and asked:
"Okay po … father what are you doing exactly?"
"Like I said before I am surfing. I found an interesting list. They call themselves Renagades."

"Renegades?!? Come on pop, we´ll have to arrest them! That must be a new underground organisation!"
Peter jumped up his chair and headed to the doors.

"Peter stop! Come here!"
Peter hesitated.
"It is not that sort of a list my son!"
"Huh? Like you are not that sort of a priest?"
"Wisecracks do not indicate wisdom Peter! Now sit!"

Peter came over indecisively and sat beside his father. That was something quite new as well. He´d never seen his father sitting on a chair in his appartement before. He usually sat on the floor in a full lotus position.

"Believe me, that is quite an interesting list. They write about us."
"They do what?????"
"You do not understand English anymore? Shall I translate in German or Chinese or paint a picture?"

Peter felt quite embarrassed. His father never spoke in such a teasing tone with him. It was like he would see his father the first time. Not the serious priest he always seemed to be. No! That was a new side beside his father. At the moment he behaved like a little child which discovers a new world.

A soft slap landed on his cheek. "Don´t call me pop, Peter!"
Okay, it WAS his father ….. not a clone.

Peter felt it was better to change the subject.
"What do they write?"
"They write about us. It seems they know us well. To read the stories is like reading in a diary. Most of the adventures we lived through are listed."
"But how do they know? I don´t understand that father. There are so many names on the list: Susan, Carmen, Amanrath, Delphia, Sweet, Linda S., Linda J., Alisa and many more. Who are all this people?"
Caine shrugged. "I do not know my son."

"Maybe another universe? Or are we stalked? I never noticed something like that! Did you notice something? You must have noticed something father! You are the one who has the ability to see the unseen. Didn´t you feel anything? That are so many people! I ……"
Once again Caine shrugged. His hand landed on Peter´s mouth, interrupting him effectively.
"I do not know. Stop spluttering, Peter."
"But what do we do now po..father? I really want to know who all this people are!"

Caine reached out and patted Peter´s cheek. A small smile spread across his lips.
"Come on Peter. Let us find out. Our first stop is Kermit. I am sure he will help us. It also lays in his interest."
Peter nodded.
"Yeah, I am sure Kermit will find out who all this people are! He won´t be happy to see his life sprawled out at the internet. Besides I am not happy either."

Caine only smiled. He had a feeling it would be very interesting to get to know all this people.

Both men headed out the door…….. only one goal in sight ……

The End?


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