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All you need is Faith *new*

Peter learns a lesson to help his father overcome a seemingly insurmountable obstacle. The lesson will bring Peter Caine a future filled with hope and teachings, a future he needs to embrace.



Fountain of Knowledge *new* Peter Caine seeks the truth but will he like what he finds? Is the truth he seeks more about him or the people in his life? Can he learn from the knowledge he gathers? Can he use the lessons that important people in his life have shown him and harness them to fulfil his own destiny?
Getting to know you *new* Fandom: Wild Card
A look inside Dan and Zoe’s relationship; with a different spin on the Candy LaRue situation
Heartache and Pressure *new*

Fandom: Queer as Folk
A reunion of Dr David and Michael under difficult circumstances. How would any of us deal with tragedy and pain? Do we even know, until it happens to us?

The Road Ahead *new*  


All the characters from Kung Fu: The Legend Continues do not belong to us. They belong to Michael Sloan and their respective companies, creators, and trademark/copyright holders. We will return them in almost the same shape we got them in.
The rest of the characters in this stories belong to the author. Please do not reprint or post this fanfic on other websites without the express written consent of the author. Feedback is always welcome.

Queer as Folk the series, characters and concepts are the property, copyright and trademark of Showtime and Cowlip. No ownership is claimed by the author, this work is non-profit, non commercial and not for sale for commercial purposes. Characters and situations not specifically owned, copyright, or trademarked by the creators of Queer as Folk are the sole copyright of the author. Please do not reprint or post this fanfic on other websites without the express written consent of the author. Feedback is always welcome.