Author and Copyright: Liz Gregg


*I don't recognize myself.*

Mary Margaret Skalany stared at the stranger in the mirror while she brushed her long brunette hair. Wild extremes of emotions assaulted her senses and stretched her nerves to the limit. The past few days had turned her life upside down. Her mind raced as she ticked off a list of events - a thug beat her up, two bombs nearly destroyed all that was dear to her, she'd lost Peter Caine as her partner, and, in what was the most dramatic development-

"Mary Margaret?"

The familiar voice brought her back to reality, morning in the tiny apartment kitchen, and she felt the rush of blood as it colored her face and heated her body.

"Oh! Yes, of course, that sounds good." She smiled and drummed her fingers on the hard surface of the round oak table, staring at her own and very personal dramatic development: her lover, Kwai Chang Caine. She still couldn't quite believe they were together.

Her next words tumbled out in a rush. "And then what will you do?"

Caine sat directly across from her, and when he leaned back in his chair, his eyes narrowing, she knew her shot in the dark failed and she'd made no sense at all. Served her right; she wasn't listening and it wasn't Caine's fault.

"Caine, I'm sorry."

"I understand."

"I really am sorry! You-" she stopped, letting the love in his quiet gaze calm her. "You do understand, don't you," she said, and relaxed a bit. "Thank you." She reached for his hands, just as his stretched out to accept her touch. "So much has happened, Caine, and so quickly. We really need to talk."

"You," he said, squeezing her hands and pulling her up with him as he stood, "will be late for work. If you do not get dressed." As he drew her close, Mary Margaret could feel the Shaolin's gaze, like a lingering caress, as it slid meaningfully down the length of her body. Their eyes met. "Now is not the time to talk."

"But when we have the time, we don't do a lot of talking," she murmured, pressing against him, her body getting warmer by the second.

Her lover smiled and winked, and then he stroked her chin. Mary Margaret couldn't help it, she closed her eyes, knowing what would come next and wanting it very much. She felt his fingers slide through her hair before he kissed her, and for a few wonderful moments she pretended that she had all day and they would go back to bed and...

Caine pulled back, stopping both the kiss and her fantasy.

"It's a good thing you have willpower," she said with a sigh.

" not."

"Oh, no?"

"No. But I fear Captain Simms will blame me if you are late again." Skalany chuckled as Caine continued. "And she will tell Peter. He will not approve."

Skalany's giggle erupted into laughter. "He'd have a hell of a lot of nerve! But you're right about Simms - except that the Captain will blame both of us. So I really do have to go."

Skalany started to turn, but then hesitated. "You-you're not really afraid of Simms, are you?"

Caine looked away for a moment, as if pondering his reply. "Perhaps not," he answered seriously, but his brown eyes sparkled and betrayed his amusement. "But I do not wish to face Peter's anger."

"I can understand that," Skalany agreed. Even though she knew that Caine was teasing, she had witnessed a few of Peter's angry outbursts and actively avoided him when he was in a bad mood. "Don't forget, we're having lunch with Peter this afternoon. We're meeting at your place." She blinked and then rubbed her chin.

"Um...that would be his place. Which used to be your place. Because, of course, now that you're staying here, this is your place--"

"Mary Margaret," Caine said softly.

"And I'm not sure exactly what time I can get out."

"I will be there."

Caine looked so serious that she smiled before she kissed him one more time, then buckled down to face the long day ahead.


Kwai Chang Caine stopped in front of the old brownstone building he had lived in for three years. He had always thought of the loft as his quarters -- a place to sleep, a sun-filled room that nourished his plants, a place where he could be reached in times of trouble. But as hard as it was for friends to understand, he had never considered it his home.

When Caine believed Peter was dead, he vowed he would never rest until he found Peter's essence. During Caine's six months of wandering, he'd never found his son's spirit and therefore had never truly found a home. The weary priest never dreamed he'd one day find a grown man, flesh and blood as well as heart and soul. Peter had changed dramatically; for one thing, he was not the young child Caine had lost and mourned for so long. Caine rejoiced every moment spent with his volatile son, but grieved anew for the little boy he had not been able to nurture and watch grow to manhood.

Arriving at the doorway to the loft pulled him out of his reverie, and he stood unnoticed while he observed his son talking to Mary Margaret. He loved them both, but his heart swelled with intense tenderness for Peter. Caine had not yet spoken to his son about the ceremony of the brands; he had not shared his pride and gratitude. Amazingly, the priest's usually controlled thoughts surged unchecked, and his emotions expanded so rapidly that he was unable to confine them to his own consciousness. Caine shuddered as a blast of energy hit Peter so hard the young Shaolin physically lurched back.

Peter turned and stared directly at him. His son whispered, "Pop?" and then quickly approached Caine. "Are you all right?" Placing both hands on Caine's shoulders, Peter looked straight into his eyes. "I- I...didn't hear you come in but I sure felt...something! What the hell is going on? "

Caine could not speak and he bit down hard on his lip, focusing on the pain, struggling to regain emotional control. Caine squeezed Peter's hand and held his concerned gaze, letting himself be open to his son's curious yet cautiously probing mind. He was relieved when Peter's worried features began to soften and tense body began to relax. Peter smiled, almost shyly, and Caine knew that his son identified Caine's feelings for what they were - pride and love.

Peter grabbed Caine into a fierce hug. "Ah, Dad. You don't have to hide this stuff from me. I love you, too."

When finally Caine dared to look at Mary Margaret, and her eyes met his, Caine felt the rush of unrestrained emotion pour from him once again. He watched her hand clutch at her neck and her cheeks develop a rosy pink glow. But this time, Caine was prepared. Reacting quickly, he covered her hand with his and lifted it to his lips for a kiss. Her flesh was warm and soft, and lightly scented.

"Mary Margaret," Caine said quietly, taking her other hand and squeezing both of them, reassuring her, "I am happy to see you."

Peter cleared his throat loudly. "If I had any sense, I would make up an excuses and let you two go off on your own. But I have no sense and I'm starving. So where will it be?"

"Um..." Mary Margaret took a deep breath. "How about pizza?"

"Okay," agreed Peter. "You two behave while I get my wallet."

After Peter left the room, Caine motioned to Mary Margaret and led her to the balcony. She was shaking and he could feel her extreme nervousness. Surrounded by plants and herbs, he gathered her in his arms and kissed her tenderly.

"What just happened, Caine?" she whispered, after catching her breath.

Caine caressed her cheek. "I am not sure. I think that the stress of the past few days have-" Caine sighed and shook his head. He did not fully understand what happened and was unable to explain, so he told her what he knew. "When I saw both of you, I was... overwhelmed by emotions. But," he kissed one of her hands, "I revealed nothing that you both did not already know."

"Well any doubt I had is gone now. "This is hard to handle in public!"

Caine smiled and agreed, "Yes, very hard. I will come up with something."

Mary Margaret giggled just as Peter came bursting into the workroom.

"Hey, Pop! Skalany! Where'd you go?"

Holding hands, Caine and Mary Margaret walked in from the balcony. Grinning from ear to ear, Skalany said, "Your father was just showing me his plant. I mean his plants!" she amended quickly.

Peter's expression was unreadable and only a slight hesitation before his reply hinted of discomfort. "Right," Peter finally said in a clipped tone. "I know you've waited a long time to see his plants, Skalany." A foot tapping the floor reflected what Caine knew were emotions tugging at Peter's heart. "Now let's get out of here before anything decides to take root."


The three were seated at a small booth in a popular pizza joint near Chinatown waiting for both the pizza and Caine's garden salad to arrive.

"Dad, did you visit Kermit this morning? I called the hospital but he'd already checked out."

Caine nodded. "I saw him early this morning. His fever was finally down. I believe they wanted him to stay for...observation? But Kermit did not wish to do so. He signed himself out."

"That sounds like Kermit," Peter muttered. "Did you try to talk him into staying?"

"I did not. He can rest at home, and in more comfort than a hospital."

"Honestly, Pop, do you think Kermit is going to rest at home?"

"Kermit will have to give in to the demands of his body. If he wishes to restore harmony between his physical and spiritual being, he will need the proper rest and meditation."

"Kermit Griffin in physical and spiritual harmony. Now that's a scary thought," said Mary Margaret.

"I'll bring him some dinner and make sure he's okay," said Peter. "But you know, Skalany, Dad's right. Kermit is going to need all of his strength because he has one hell of a mess to unravel when he gets back. Anything new?"

"No. Not one new lead. Everything's buried, covered up, or simply gone. And nobody dares to try to even turn on Kermit's computer."

Peter started to speak when a young man arrived at the table and set down a large extra cheese pizza. His hunger took precedence; they could continue the conversation the next day.


"You didn't eat, Caine."

Caine and Mary Margaret stood on the sidewalk in front of the pizzeria. The priest smiled as a light breeze tossed strands of her hair about her face and neck, tickling her skin.

"I apologize for not telling you how beautiful you look today. I remember the last time I saw you in this dress."

Puzzled, she tilted her head slightly and said, "You do?" She couldn't remember ever wearing the dress in his company. Funny, at that moment, she couldn't remember ever wearing it at all.

Caine's expression was slightly amused. "You wore it when you invited me on a 'picnic' on a day you decided to take off from work, by your own accord. Champagne and tofu, I believe you said you had packed."

She gasped slightly and said "That's right-I remember now! I was so embarrassed that I must have blocked it out of my memory!"

Suddenly, a pedestrian harshly bumped them before moving on with no apology. Caine slipped his arm around her and guided them to the shelter of a nearby storefront. Fingers stroking her hand, he said, "You have no cause for embarrassment. I was tempted to go with you on that picnic. I wanted to spend time with you. I will never forget seeing you in this dress. Mary Margaret, it was never you who was wrong. I have just been too stubborn to acknowledge it."

Mary Margaret was surprised and touched by his confession and reeling from the turbulence of the day. She knew she had to get back to work but didn't want to leave him. "Will your feelings still be here like this when I get off duty?"

Capturing a loose strand of her hair swept by a gust of wind, he said, "What you felt earlier is always with me, but not always so...broadly transmitted. In time, you will learn how to connect with it when you choose and to control the level of intensity." A private conversation in a very public place, he thought. "We can discuss this more comfortably, later," he finished.

A queasy uneasiness settled in her stomach and she couldn't hold back her questions. "Why haven't I connected with these feelings before now, and," taking a deep breath, she blurted, "Are you going to be okay with these emotions swirling around all of a sudden? Are you planning on staying in town?"

Caine sighed, "Mary Margaret, we both just connected only three days ago. There are things happening that I do not fully understand. I need to...we need to find our answers, together."

Might as well go for the grand slam, she thought, and charged ahead before she lost her nerve. "Listen," she said, "I don't know how on earth we'll find one single answer with all these hours I'm working. I've been thinking about something, and I want to ask you before I go back. The day after tomorrow is my day off. I have a couple of vacation days due soon and I want to ask the Captain if I can use them now. Combined with my day off we could have three or four days together. We can get the hell out of here and go someplace secluded. Caine, I think we really need it."

"I admit I had thought about going on a quiet retreat. I realized that the timing was bad, but," he smiled, "if your Captain gives you permission, we can go...together."

When she realized he'd said yes she grinned and threw her arms around her lover. "I wish we could celebrate our decision right now, this minute," she whispered, hugging him hard, "but I have to go back to work."

"When you are off duty and we are together," he answered, "it will be something very special." Caine kissed her again lightly and then backed away as they reluctantly parted company.

*...but they were both unaware of the hatred and evil that simmered behind eyes that had watched the entire scene. Disgusting! He must be at least twenty years older than she is. No matter, let him have the bitch. Let them bask in the glow of their lust, thinking they're in love. He will grow soft and complacent in her arms. And that is how he will be crushed


Part 1   Part 2    Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Part 7

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