Author and Copyright: Susan McNeill  and Rhonda Hallstrom


Kermit slid one hand out from under his sleeping daughter and grabbed Savannah's hand. "If you don't stop tapping your nails on the arm of the chair, you'll drill a hole right through!"

"Sorry," she replied, sheepishly, "can't help it. I hate to fly worse than anything." And she did! Intellectually, she understood the physics involved in flight. However, emotionally, the idea that an hunk of steel weighing several tons could be supported by air, sent her into a panic.

"Join the club," chimed Peter Caine. Savannah had practically shoved him into the window seat on Kermit's other side. *She wants me to see when the engine falls off,* he thought with a grumble.

Kermit had been dragged, kicking and screaming, into this trip to Los Angeles and was now trapped between two trembling "flight-a-phobes" and holding a baby that they all prayed would sleep through the flight. "Next time," he began, leaning back in his seat, "you two are flying the friendly skies of Zanex."

"Got any?!" they both replied in unison.

Mary Margaret couldn't suppress the laughter a moment longer. Turning to the passenger beside her, she asked, "Caine, do you suppose you could do something to stop that whining?"

Clearly attempting to mask his amusement, he offered, "All must face their fears in their own way. Anyway, my son and Savannah will have Kermit's hand to hold, if need be."

A lilting drawl floated over the seat to comment. "And you two have a hand to hold also. Don't you?"

Kermit gently elbowed his wife and received an expression of "What?" in return. Savannah had turned her matchmaking project with Mary Margaret and Caine into a quest. She was unstoppable. When Wolf Gannett had called to invite them to the movie premier, Savannah had spared not one ounce of weedling to get Kermit to agree to go. "It's the first chance for a trip we've had in.....well, ever." And when Wolf told her she could invite *anyone* she wanted to come with them, *his treat*, she flew into action.

He'd only wished he could have been a fly on the wall to watch her twist those two into her way of thinking. Mary Margaret had fallen for the "it's a free vacation - all you have to do is help with Kat during the premier then you're on your own" line. Caine, had taken a bit more finesse.

Savannah had offered the trip as a 'thank you' for all he'd done for them in the past months. As expected, Caine's reply had been that no thanks were necessary. In retaliation, the professional matchmaker had batted her eyelashes over soulful eyes and replied that she "was sure that Caine wouldn't want to hurt her feelings by not accepting."

Both victims had complied and on her departure from each victory, Savannah had offered, "Oh, by the way, guess who else is going?"

Now, Kermit would not only have to endure Wolf Gannett but the manipulation to come. In fact, he was very surprised that she hadn't dragooned Jody Powell to come along to 'kill two couples with one stone' - he supposed someone had to remain behind to actually work at the precinct. *That is, if she doesn't have a stroke during the flight,* he thought. Kat was still blissfully snoozing. Both Peter and Savannah had resumed tapping the arms of the chairs. "STOP THAT! Please!" he hissed to both of them.

"Easy for you to say, MISTER 'I've flown around the world a zillion times and there's nothing to be afraid of'!" Savannah retorted, sliding her hands underneath her thighs.

"The trip's only a few hours," Kermit said soothingly. "Just try to relax."

*Only a man would say that,* thought Savannah in irritation. She cautiously peeked over her seat to see Caine and Mary Margaret talking softly and smiled. *At least things were going according to plan back there....*


Wolf was surprised, to say the least, seeing how many guests he would be entertaining but finally shrugged. *Oh, well, more to party with,* he thought as he pasted a welcoming grin on his face. "HEY, YO!!!!" he greeted with enthusiasm.

As if one person, the five adult passengers looked Wolf up and down, shocked, unable to say a word. Kat just yawned and settled back onto her father's shoulder.

"What?" Wolf asked, puzzled. Looking down at himself, he remembered. "OH! Whaddya think? Ya like it?" He turned around for the group's appraisal.

Verbally, he was still the same old Wolf Gannett. Physically, he had changed dramatically. His hair no longer had enough mousse to float a tanker and his trademark leather was nowhere to be seen. Instead, he stood, dressed in khaki pants, white shirt and a denim jacket for color. His hair was softly styled, washed and brushed and his resemblance to Peter was never stronger than it was now.

Savannah had the hardest time coming to her senses, now cursing the fact that she hadn't coerced Jody to come with them. Wolf Gannett actually looked handsome! She could have played a great jealousy ploy, fixing Wolf up with Jody and then watch Peter rescue the damsel! *Hmm, maybe I can call her from the house,* she mused as she walked forward and gave the star a kiss on the cheek. "You look fantastic!" she complimented.

"Yeah? Really??" Wolf looked down at himself, obviously still unaccustomed to the new look. "Hired a new assistant and she's makin' all these changes. She said to just try it for a little bit to see how people like it....I'm not sure about this, though. I mean, it really goes against my image."

"I'm sure," Kermit commented. "You look almost human."

Wolf nodded cheerfully before realizing that he had no idea if that was a compliment or an insult. "Well," he said, clapping his hands together, "we're Malibu-bound!"


Savannah used the skills of a cowboy to herd the group into the waiting limo and also made sure that Caine and Mary Margaret were side by side. Close. Wedged together without a fragment of light between them.

Wolf had thought of everything. The limo was the biggest one he could find and it was even equipped with a top-of-the-line carseat for Kat, who was by now wide awake and looking adorable in her California-style sunsuit and Muppet sunglasses in place.

Uncle Wolf wasted no time in spouting baby talk and being rewarded with dimples and giggles. "That's right, sweetie. Uncle Wolf's gonna take you to Disneyland!"

"Uh, Wolf," began Savannah patiently, "I think she might be a little young to appreciate that right now."

Slapping himself in his new hairstyle, Wolf announced, "Damn! I forgot to hire a nanny for the weekend. I'll call when we get home."

*Uh oh!* thought Kermit. From the look on his wife's face, she had hit a snag in her plans. She'd planned for Mary Margaret and Caine to spend an evening immersed in family harmony with Kat. Alone. A nanny would definitely screw up that scenario. Savannah was biting her lip. Thinking at ninety miles an hour.

Before she could offer a defense though, Mary Margaret spoke up. "That won't be necessary. Caine and I talked and we'd much rather do the babysitting if that's all right with you. No offence, Wolf, but Caine isn't really 'into' movies and I couldn't trust just anybody to be with my godchild, now could I?"

*Okay, wife,* Kermit thought, trying to hide a smile, *one hurdle crossed. A willing accomplice, even!* He had to marvel at her skill as she sat back into her seat, trying not to show her elation. This woman could bend people with the best of them! Ten years ago, he would have been trying to recruit her into the agency. Could have stopped the war single-handedly! Kermit was suddenly very glad that she was in his corner.

They pulled into the drive of an extremely conspicuous beach house. They all entered cautiously, expecting the place to be punk heaven. However, the interior was just as shocking as Wolf's altered appearance. No red and black leather. No mirrors in places where there shouldn't be mirrors. Each room devoid of an entertainment set, except what was presumably the lounge. It was a nice, comfortable home, decorated in hues that complimented the ocean view.

"Whaddaya think of the place?" Wolf asked, heading for the modest bar. "My assistant thought it'd be a good place for me to get away from things. He looked up, surveying the surroundings again as if seeing it through his friends' eyes. "I think she's right," he concluded, mixing some drinks and handing them out.

Kermit and Caine handled their luggage as Savannah laid Kat on a blanket beside the sofa and took the glass that Wolf offered. "She's right! This place is beautiful!"

"I think you oughta give her a raise, buddy," Peter advised, slapping Wolf on the back and leaning back behind the bar to find a beer for himself. An appropriate celebration for another flight survived. He gratefully took a gulp from the liquid as he noticed Wolf standing there with a strange expression on his face. "Nervous about tonight?" he asked softly.

Wolf *was* nervous. This wasn't just any movie. It was the first production of Wolflicks, his own production company. His money. His film. His name on the line. Wolf had involved himself in every aspect of this film. Even jumped in during the writing process. He'd wanted to make the film better and thought he'd succeeded but he didn't *know*. He just hoped it wouldn't fall flat.

But, of course, no one else would know that. "No, man," he said haughtily. "Been down this road lots of times. Get ready for a great party!"

Savannah asked Caine and Mary Margaret to look after Kat for a moment while she raided her luggage for baby supplies. En route, she bumped into Kermit, still carrying luggage into various rooms.

"Hey, Scarlett," he greeted, hoisting Mary Margaret's bag with a small grunt. "Fancy meeting you here. Get this - there's already a full nursery prepared for Kat right next to our room! I never thought that Wolf would be so thorough...."

"He probably wasn't," Savannah mused. "It was probably his assistant. I hope Wolf didn't have to pay for all that. Kermit," she asked, stopping him as he was about to enter a room with the luggage, "where's Caine's bag?"

"In there," he said, inclining his head. "There were four bedrooms that I could see, plus the converted nursery. One is obviously Wolf's, one is for us, one is a queen-sized for Mary Margaret and the other has twin beds, presumably for Peter and his father to bunk together. Never thought Wolf would run out of rooms. Probably it was the nursery that screwed up the housing situation....What are you doing??"

It appeared that Savannah was taking Caine's small bag into Mary Margaret's room!

Kermit blocked her. "Are you kidding me?" he asked softly. "I thought you were doing this subtlety!"

"But it'd be so perfect!" Savannah protested weakly. "Caine would find that his bag was misplaced, Mary Margaret would have it, she'd invite him in to talk-"

Kermit shook his head ruefully. "Sweetheart, you're an incurable romantic. But the likeliest thing that would happen would be that Caine would borrow something of Peter's. C'mon...." He took Caine's bag from her, put it in the appropriate bedroom, and wrapped his arm around her comfortably. "You know it's not going to happen overnight."

"Okay, okay," Savannah sighed. "Maybe you're right - for now."

Kermit led her out into the living room before she got into any more trouble.

There, in the living room, was a new arrival, talking to Wolf. She was a mousy-looking girl, long brown hair bundled up in a ponytail, a plain brown skirt and peasant blouse. Kermit and Savannah, in their 'discussion', didn't even hear the doorbell.

"This must be the infamous 'assistant'," Kermit murmured. Savannah nodded as she curiously walked up to inspect the new arrival.

Wolf noticed their arrival. "Hey, guys! Wantcha ta meet Nicks, the assistant I've been tellin' you about!"

The young lady smiled as she extended her hand to Savannah. "Some people call me Nicki," she said, smiling. "Nicole Harrison."

"Nice to meet you," Savannah said, smiling.

"It's my pleasure," Nicki said warmly. "Mr. Gannett has told me a great deal about all of you. Anything any of you need, please call me. I'm available 24 hours a day and my number is taped right over the telephone. I hope the nursery is satisfactory...?"

Savannah looked at Kermit, since he was the only one to have seen it.

"Yes," Kermit said. "Thank you. You didn't buy all that-?"

"Oh, no," Nicki laughed. "The furniture is rented but please don't worry about that."

"The sky's the limit for my consultant!" Wolf chuckled, getting another drink.

Kermit frowned at the name; Wolf made it sound like he was working for the actor!

Nicki smoothly changed the subject. "Tuxedos and evening dresses will be here in an hour and the usual amenities will be provided. While you wait, the kitchen is fully stocked and there are hors d'oeuvres ready and available. The linens, towels and beach blankets are in the hall closet. The maid will be by in the morning to press your clothes and cook breakfast. Mr. Caine, I'm told that you are a practitioner of the martial arts; there is an exercise room downstairs if you wish to use it. There is also a small but well-stocked library available. You should find most of the classics there as well as current magazines. Detective Caine?" she asked, looking at Peter. "Would you like a companion for the evening? I know a very respectable escort service-"

Peter coughed, blushing slightly. "Thank you, Miss Harrison. I'll take care of that on my own."

"Nicki, please," she corrected. "As you wish. So, is there anything else any of you might need?"

Everyone was silent at this picture of solid efficiency except Wolf. "Yeah, Nicks, what about dinner?"

"Reservations have been made for you and your guests at Il Cocchio Oro after the premiere, Mr. Gannett."


Savannah watched the young woman with amazement. Nicki looked like an innocent farm girl but, when she spoke, she showed a maturity beyond her years.

"Well," she said cheerfully, "as I said, please feel free to call me at *any* time. Don't be worried about bothering me - that's what I'm here for."

"You're not coming with us to the premiere?" Savannah blurted out.

Nicki smiled. "Oh, no," she said, "everything's been taken care of. I don't need to be there. Besides which, there's still the party tomorrow that I need to arrange."


"-will be here on time, Mr. Gannett," Nicki told Wolf. "I've already called her and confirmed it."

"My date," Wolf explained to the room.

*He should take Nicki,* Savannah thought but kept the thought to herself.


An hour and a half later, Wolf, clad in his tuxedo and nervously clinking the drink in his hand, joined Kermit on the deck. "Wanna place a bet 'bout how late your ole lady's gonna be?"

"She won't be. I told her we were leaving thirty minutes earlier than we are. Just a little insurance."

Laughing out loud, Wolf hooted, "That's great, man! That an old mercenary trick?"

"Husband trick."

"And just what particular 'husband trick' would ya'll be discussin'?" Savannah asked, joining them. She was completely coiffed and ready to go. "Wolf, please thank Nicki for me. The dress is just beautiful."

Kermit agreed. So was the model. Nicki had selected a soft blue chiffon evening gown. Floor length and extremely curvy. Just revealing enough to be interesting. Savannah gave her husband a little peck and straightened his tie.

"Wow! You are gorgeous! But what makes you think I didn't pick it out?"

"Not a stitch of leather anywhere," she replied, giggling at Wolf's indignation. "And you didn't need to trick me, sugar," she said, squeezing Kermit's arm. "I already promised to be on time, didn't I?"

"Yeah, lady," Wolf interrupted. "I'm still limpin' from your last promise." Turning his attention to Kermit, Wolf observed, "Hey, man. Didn't your tux fit? I could call Nicki-"

"Wolf, dear, Kermit doesn't DO tux's."

Her explanation was interrupted by a grating "Hi Ya!" from the living room. Wolf's escort wiggled out onto the deck, attributes bouncing, and attaching herself to him like a piece of lint. Obvious would have been the kindest adjective to describe her outfit. Bright red satin that barely covered her enough to prevent an arrest. Lots of bleached hair and lots of makeup.

"Guys, this is Jolie, my date."

The blonde, ignoring an already on-guard Savannah, insinuated herself into Kermit's personal space and ran her hand down his lapel. "You must be that big bad mercenary Wolfie got all his research from, hmmmm?" she purred.

*Uh oh,* Kermit thought, *this could get ugly.* He was careful to avoid any sudden moves that could encourage his new friend further.

Savannah, whose fury was rising into her cheeks, reached up and clasped the hand that Jolie was stroking her husband's chest with and shook it. Firmly. "And I'm Mrs. Big Bad Mercenary. Savannah Griffin. MRS. GRIFFIN." Now, having made her point, she added with a satisfied smile, "So pleased to meet you."

Wolf rescued his date from Savannah by taking her other arm, looping it around his arm and half-dragged her back to the living room. Kermit and Savannah could hear him mutter, "Cool it, babe. The big guy don't like to be touched. And his lady don't like him bein' touched. Besides, why d'ya wanna touch HIM when ya got me?"

She giggled her response and blew in Wolf's ear teasingly.

Kermit grabbed Savannah's arm before she could make a move to kill the bimbo.

"C'mon!" Savannah protested, "I just want to improve the species!"

"It's not worth the trouble, 'sugar'," he whispered comfortingly as he walked her out. "Besides, it's just like cockroaches; you kill one and ten more show up!"


"Well," Mary Margaret teased, her eyes twinkling, as she watched the limo leave the driveway, "alone at last!"

Caine laughed out loud as he abstractly played with Kat's little hands. "She has been...a bit obvious."

"*I* think it's sweet," Mary Margaret volunteered, strolling back into the living room. "She just wants her friends to be as happy as she is." She pawed through the CD collection. "Wow - Wolf's got everything: opera, country, rap, rock, jazz...."

"More of Miss Harrison's work, I would imagine," Caine commented.

"Wish *I* could be that organized!" Mary Margaret was about to ask him what music he'd like to hear when she saw one of THOSE frowns cross his features. "What's wrong?"

Caine set Kat gently in her portable crib on the living room floor. "Someone is close by...."

Mary Margaret, on instant alert, went to get her gun from her purse as Caine went to the front door. He waited until Mary Margaret was ready, behind the door, and opened it swiftly, startling a grey-haired woman half out of her mind.

"OH!" she cried out, clutching a white envelope and her purse to her chest.

Caine instantly bowed. "I am sorry to have startled you. I...heard a noise."

"Well, I'm from the Baby Home Place sitting agency," the woman said, laughing at her jumpiness. "I was employed for the evening...? I'm sorry I'm a bit late. I just now came up the walk and found this note attached to the door with my name on it. I was just about to read it-"

Mary Margaret came out from behind the door. "Our friend said he *forgot* to call the nanny agency," she stated suspiciously.

"Well, I was hired by...umm..." She rummaged awkwardly in her purse for a moment to take out a card. "...Miss Nicole Harrison of Wolflick Incorporated?"

Caine and Mary Margaret looked at each other. "Wonderful," Mary Margaret said. "Wolf forgot but Nicki didn't."

"Please come in," Caine invited. At Mary Margaret's wary look, he whispered, "She is telling the truth."

Mary Margaret relaxed, trusting Caine, retrieved her gun and put it away as the older woman opened the note under the bright lights.

"Oh...I see," the woman said, reading the note. "Apparently, you don't need a sitter tonight, after all. Well, I hope Miss Harrison avails us of our services another time, then."

Caine could feel her disappointment. "We are sorry for the inconvenience-"

"No, no trouble at all," the woman lied.

Mary Margaret stopped the woman at the door. "Just a minute, Mrs...Mrs...?"

"Mrs. Connor."

"Caine, it would be a shame to waste the opportunity Mrs. Connor is giving us," Mary Margaret said thoughtfully. "We didn't want to go to the movie, but there are other things we could do."


"How about the beach?" Mary Margaret said with a gleam in her eye. "That water looks mighty inviting...."

Caine saw Mrs. Connor brighten instantly at the suggestion. "Oh, I would be most happy to look after the little one for you! You shouldn't worry about me - I've had four of my own. I adore babies! What was her name? Katherine, I believe?"

Mary Margaret raised an eyebrow. Nicki had even told them the baby's name for verification purposes! "Yes, that's right. Well, Caine...?"

Caine sighed. Obviously, Mrs. Connor needed the work and he had to admit that a moonlit walk didn't sound bad at all. "Very well."

Mary Margaret practically leaped for the hall closet to get a beach blanket as Caine led Mrs. Connor into the living room to meet Kat, who was in full charm mode, throwing dimples and smiles.

"OHHHHHH!" Mrs. Connor spent the next five minutes cooing and tickling. She was still at it when Caine and Mary Margaret slipped out the back door.


Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5 

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