Battle Scars

Staccatos of machine guns
Explosions of land mines
Cries of the wounded

I can still hear it in my darkness

Tears of the children
Despair of the women
Fear of the prisoners

I can still see it in my darkness

Whips hitting my back
Lights hurting my eyes
Sounds overpowering my ears

I can still feel it in my darkness


A light in the darkness
A gentle touch at my soul
A faint tug at my sleeve

I hope I can grasp it in my darkness

I'm in from the cold
I'm surrounded by friends
I'm living a normal life

I hope I can adjust to it in my darkness

I should be happy
I should be content
I should be in love

But there's still my darkness

Maybe, one day, I will acknowledge it
But until darkness doesn't turn into light
I have to keep on gaining trust

I have to keep on fighting

I will continue wearing my mask
I will continue wearing my glasses
I will continue wearing my armour

Until it is time to let go…

© Fu-Dragon '05