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Burning Anguish

Caine's temple has just been destroyed. How does Peter react to the news that his father is dead?



One Man's Destiny Post-"Requiem" Story
Peter Caine's first week as a Shaolin priest after Caine left.
Heartland Stories
Winter Wonderland *new* Amy and her Dad spend some time together.


All the characters from Kung Fu: The Legend Continues do not belong to us. They belong to Michael Sloan and their respective companies, creators, and trademark/copyright holders. We will return them in almost the same shape we got them in.
The rest of the characters in this stories belong to the author. Please do not reprint or post this fanfic on other websites without the express written consent of the author. Feedback is always welcome.

Queer as Folk the series, characters and concepts are the property, copyright and trademark of Showtime and Cowlip. No ownership is claimed by the author, this work is non-profit, non commercial and not for sale for commercial purposes. Characters and situations not specifically owned, copyright, or trademarked by the creators of Queer as Folk are the sole copyright of the author. Please do not reprint or post this fanfic on other websites without the express written consent of the author. Feedback is always welcome.